About us

isTom Games was established in 2009 in Hungary to develop high-quality iOS / iPhone applications. The rough start-up was counterbalanced by our perseverance and conviction that we will be able to achieve our goals. The success of the past few years has proven that our numerous games found their audience. Nowadays isTom Games is considered as one of the most acknowledged Hungarian development team in the field of mobile gaming - Over 75,000,000 people have chosen to spend their time playing our games world-wide.

Within two years, by 2011 we have achieved substantial market presence. Relying on our large player base, in 2012 isTom Games made its debut on the international market as publisher.

Our new goals  include the outsourcing of development, which will enable us to come up with and distribute high-quality low-budget game software elaborated within short deadlines. We wish to have developments carried out cost-effectively and within short periods of time with the help of experienced developer teams.

Recent development successes has also lead us to expand our horizons and move on to console development. With many of our previous titles already ported to the Nintendo Switch we are excited to join the console and PC market with dedicated high quality games in the near future.

We appreciate that you are taking the time to learn more about our company and products.

Best regards,
The isTom Games Team
isTom Games Ltd. Contact: info@istomgames.com
About us - isTom Games - Game development / publishing