Contract Development

Why choose us

It is a widely held misconception that successful applications need nothing more than a good idea. Our experience has shown that a good idea is not nearly enough for guaranteed success. Thorough, sound and well-planned design is essintial when developing your title - yet even an all-encompassing, highly detailed design is hardly sufficient when the implementation itself is sloppy. The key factor in achieving business success is finding the ideal balance within these aspects of development. Due to its many years of experience, isTom Games represents an eminent partner in making your project successful.

isTom Games can be your partner in developments for different platforms and transcripts: iOS /iPhone, iPad/Macintosh, Android, Nintendo Switch and PC.

We would be more than glad to cooperate with you in the development of low-budget applications where besides prompt, cost-effective development we can also provide publishing services.

The fact that the number of users familiar with our applications has exceeded 75,000,000 world-wide, reflects our success both in the field of development and publishing.

If you have any inquiries concerning contract development, or publishing, do not hesitate to contact us:
isTom Games Ltd. Contact:
Contract Development - isTom Games - Game development / publishing